Spring Bird Count & Tree Walk
Pete Given, local birder amateur enthusiast for over 50 yrs, will lead us on a walk to discover the birds of Norwood Park. Registration required. Minimum age 10 years.
Pete Given, local birder amateur enthusiast for over 50 yrs, will lead us on a walk to discover the birds of Norwood Park. Registration required. Minimum age 10 years.
Learn to use iNaturalist – get guidance in-person from our Citizen Science Team: Lucy O’Dowd and Evan Charles, makers of our iNat how-to video! We will walk you through the steps of making observations and collaborating with iNat experts to ID what you see.
Identify Trees & Enjoy Local Urban Forest Ecology in Spanish & English
Whether you speak Spanish ONLY or only a little Spanish, come take a walk with us in Norwood Park where you can learn to identify some beautiful native mature canopy trees in the collection and see how they live in the riparian urban forest of the Little Falls Watershed ecosystem.
Free the trees of Norword Park and remove non-native invasives that are killing the native plants and shrubs. We will have tools and gloves to lend. Bring water and dress to protect against angry vines and thorns.
Under 14 must be accompanied by an adult supervisor. The events is pre-approved for MCPS SSL hours.
Pete Given, local birder amateur enthusiast for over 50 yrs, will lead us on a walk to discover the birds of Norwood Park. Registration required. Minimum age 10 years.
Learn to use iNaturalist and contribute your findings as part of the Norwood Park Aboriculture Project Winter BioBlitz, which continues for the following week 1/11-19.
Identify Trees & Enjoy Local Urban Forest Ecology in Spanish & English
Whether you speak Spanish ONLY or only a little Spanish, come take a walk with us in Norwood Park where you can learn to identify some beautiful native mature canopy trees in the collection and see how they live in the riparian urban forest of the Little Falls Watershed ecosystem.
Pete Given, local birder amateur enthusiast for over 50 yrs, will lead us on a walk to discover the birds of Norwood Park. Registration required. Minimum age 10 years.
Identify Trees & Enjoy Local Urban Forest Ecology in Spanish & English
Whether you speak Spanish ONLY or only a little Spanish, come take a walk with us in Norwood Park where you can learn to identify some beautiful native mature canopy trees in the collection and see how they live in the riparian urban forest of the Little Falls Watershed ecosystem.
Walk a slow mile and learn some fundamentals to ID 5 native trees with local arborists. Talk with a mushroom expert about fungi-tree partnerships and more! We will look at several trees as we walk and discuss features used to ID them, leaves, tree form, bark characteristics and their fruit. Enjoy a beautiful fall day and the amazing trees that live in our local ecosystem -- Norwood Park, Little Falls Stream Valley Park and the Little Falls Watershed.
Pete Given, local birder amateur enthusiast for over 50 yrs, will lead us on a walk to discover the birds of Norwood Park. Adele O’Dowd will join us to talk about the trees of Norwood Park. Registration required. Minimum age 10 years.
Identify Trees & Enjoy Local Urban Forest Ecology in Spanish & English
Whether you speak Spanish ONLY or only a little Spanish, come take a walk with us in Norwood Park where you can learn to identify some beautiful native mature canopy trees in the collection and see how they live in the riparian urban forest of the Little Falls Watershed ecosystem.
Free the trees of Norword Park and remove non-native invasives that are killing the native plants and shrubs. We will have tools and gloves to lend. Bring water and dress to protect against angry vines and thorns.
Under 14 must be accompanied by an adult supervisor. The events is pre-approved for MCPS SSL hours.
Pete Given, local birder amateur enthusiast for over 50 yrs, will lead us on a walk to discover the birds of Norwood Park. Adele O’Dowd will join us to talk about the trees of Norwood Park. Registration required. Minimum age 10 years.
Walk a slow mile and learn some fundamentals to ID 5 native trees with local arborists. Talk with a mushroom expert about fungi-tree partnerships and more! We will look at several trees as we walk and discuss features used to ID them, leaves, tree form, bark characteristics and their fruit. Enjoy a beautiful fall day and the amazing trees that live in our local ecosystem -- Norwood Park, Little Falls Stream Valley Park and the Little Falls Watershed.
Learn about the natural features and history that led to this precious urban greenspace’s existence. Identify keystone and ambassador species that live in this critical connective watershed ecosystem. Share knowledge with experts to combat invasive species, and conserve and foster a healthy biodiverse community. Kick off & support the Norwood Park Arboriculture (Tree) Project. Join this LOCAL NATURALIST COMMUNITY to have fun!
Join us to remove non-native invasive vines and shrubs that are killing the trees. We have gloves and tools to lend. Dress in long pants and closed-toed shoes to protect from angry thorns.
Learn about the natural features and history that led to this precious urban greenspace’s existence. Identify keystone and ambassador species that live in this critical connective watershed ecosystem. Share knowledge with experts to combat invasive species, and conserve and foster a healthy biodiverse community. Kick off & support the Norwood Park Arboriculture (Tree) Project. Join this LOCAL NATURALIST COMMUNITY to have fun!
Pete Given, local birder amateur enthusiast for over 50 yrs, and Carolyn Peirce, MD Master Naturalist, will lead us on a walk to discover the birds of Norwood Park. Registration required. Minimum age 10 years.