Norwood Park
4700 Norwood Drive
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Meet at the upper playground by the big stump.
Learn to use iNaturalist, a powerful app that helps you identify the plants and animals around you while generating data for science and conservation. Our citizen science team, Lucy O’Dowd and Evan Charles, makers of our iNat how-to video! will walk you through the steps of making observations and collaborating with iNat experts to ID what you see. You will need to download the app to your phone.
iNaturalist is a lot of different things, but at its core, iNaturalist is an online social network of people sharing biodiversity information to help each other learn about nature.
And when you’re all set, you can help us compete and collaborate by documenting our wonderful birds and trees for the 2025 City Nature Challenge - April 25th through 28th.
We’ll compete with cities across the country. By participating in the City Nature Challenge, not only do you learn more about your local nature, but you can also make your city a better place – for you and other species!.