Little Falls Swim Club Pavers — Little Falls Watershed Alliance | Water Action in Maryland and DC

January 6-7 snowstorm leads to high levels of salt in the creek

Permeable Pavers for the Little Falls Pool

The Little Falls Swim Club parking lot in Bethesda is getting a new job. Not only will it used for parking cars, but with the completion of the new permeable paver system, it will provide stormwater management! Thanks to funding provided by the Montgomery County Water Quality Protection Fund, a portion of the gravel parking lot will be replaced with permeable pavers.  This new surface allows the rain to soak into the ground as well as support cars. So, when it rains, the water will infiltrate instead of running off the parking lot, down the storm drain system and into the Little Falls Branch. 

In 2023, LFWA was pleased to received Montgomery County Watershed Restoration and Outreach Program Grant to tackle the problem of stormwater run-off at the Little Falls Swim club.  Work on the project will start this fall and be installed for the 2025 pool season.

How do Pavers Work?

Permeable pavers are concrete paving blocks that rest on top of an 18-inch deep specially prepared reservoir. The reservoir is filled with layers of different sized gravel. When it rains, the water runs through the spaces between the blocks and is stored in the reservoir until it can soak into the ground. This way, not only is the water prevented from flowing into the storm drain system to the creek, but the chemicals and other pollution are filtered out by the gravel and cleaned up naturally by the soil. This infiltration technique also recharges the ground water replenishing the natural aquifers that our waterways depend on for clean water. 


Updates on the Project


The Little Falls Pool Stormwater Management Projects are made possible by grants funded by the Montgomery County Water Quality Protection fund.