Benthic Macroinvertebrate

Summer Macroinvertebrate Count Shows Creek in Poor Health

Our summer macroinvertebrate survey of the Little Falls Creek discovered only 8 species which gives the creek a poor rating for its biological health. The Summer macroinvertebrate count is part of our water quality monitoring program. We survey the creek 4 times a year to learn about its biological health.

Two-Lined Salamander and More: Spring Stream Monitoring

Our stream monitoring team was thrilled to find a two-lined salamander at their spring monitoring session, April 21! This little salamander lays her eggs in the creek on the rocks and pebbles. While they are native to the area, we don’t see many in the creek because their habitat is frequently buried in the silt caused by eroding banks.

Stream Scores Poor in Fall Monitoring

Thanks to everyone for an efficient and productive Fall Monitoring.    With a plethora of volunteers - there were 9 of us - we recorded 106 macro's.   Watching small minnow mayflies take flight might have been the highlight of the day or possibly finding one Narrow Winged Damsel Fly (thanks to Averill!). 

It's a good season for sowbugs!

Summer time is sowbug time in the Little Falls Branch! These freshwater crustaceans (Asellus aqaticus) live under the rocks and eat little bits of debris floating in the water. As is common in the summer, almost 20% of macroinvetebrates found in our summer stream monitoring session were sowbugs. Other stars of the July 9 survey were planaria and minnow mayflies.

Minnow Mayflies are back!

Members of the LFWA Stream team were out in force April 8 for the spring monitoring of the Little Falls Branch. The exciting news is that a few minnow mayflies were spotted after a several seasons of absence. A large water main break in Westbard seems to have wiped out their population in Fall 2022, but we found four this spring. Hopefully, we’ll find even more in the summer. (Their numbers are usually in the in the dozens.)

Little Falls Creek Fails Macro Test; Stream Rated Poor.

Muddy water and a broken water main were the highlights of the Fall stream monitoring last Saturday, October 22.  No sooner had our volunteers started to sample than the water started to rise and turn muddy.  A woman passing by told us that there had been a water main break at a construction site upstream from our spot. With only three-quarters of the nettings complete, we abandon the water for safer ground.

Stream Team Update: Spring Monitoring April 17

It was a beautiful day for being outside and LFWA’s Stream Monitoring team was excited to be in the water looking for the benthic macro-invertebrates that give us an indication of the health of the Little Falls Branch. The weather was beautiful; the results discouraging. We found only 8 different species of organisms - caddisfly larva, damsel fly nymph, sow bug, aquatic worms, black fly larvae, midges, minnow mayfly nymph, an Asian clam, and sow bugs - putting the creek on the upper end of “poor” for bio-diversity.

Winter Stream Monitoring Finds Few Macro Organisms

January 11, 2021

LFWA’s Stream Monitoring team went out Saturday, January 9 for their winter monitoring. The weather was beautiful; the results discouraging. The protocol is to just count the first 100 benthic macro-invertebrates organism found. Unfortunately, they were not even able to find half that number.

Frank Sanford, team leader, reports from the field:

Yesterday’s monitoring was very discouraging. We didn’t find the required 100 organisms, only about 40

Here are totals:

Aquatic worms - 3
Aquatic sow bugs - 7
Chironomidae (midges) - 3
Black fly larvae - 3
Crane fly larva- 1
Common net spinners - 16 (caddisfly larvae)
Damselflies larvae - 5

Unfortunately, our creek is rated poor. Using the protocol set by our partner organization, Audubon Naturalist Society, the team searches for benthic macro-invertebrates - the small critters that live on the bottom of the creek or under rocks. These organism are largely the larva form of flying insects you see around waterways. The diversity and number of organisms found help us determine the health of the creek. The organisms are rated by pollution sensitivity and then assigned a score based on the types found. The protocol also mandates that we find at least 100 organisms as the number of organisms is also an indicator of the state of the stream.

Macro-invertebrates from 2021 winter monitoring. From the left: Aquatic worm, caddisfly larvae and sow bug.  Photo by Kevin Misener

Macro-invertebrates from 2021 winter monitoring. From the left: Aquatic worm, caddisfly larvae and sow bug. Photo by Kevin Misener

Damsel Fly larva from 2021 winter monitoring.  Photo by Kevin Misener

Damsel Fly larva from 2021 winter monitoring. Photo by Kevin Misener

LFWA monitors four times a year. We also do salt monitoring and keep track of the pH and temperature of the creek. You can see the results from previous monitoring sessions HERE.

Learn about our Stream Team HERE. We are always looking for new members.