Stormwater Management for Sumner Village
Updates from the project
In January 2019, LFWA was awarded a $20,000 grant from the Montgomery County Department of Environment Protection to tackle the stormwater run-off problem at Sumner Village, a condominium community in Bethesda. The green areas by tennis court two had little or no vegetation and turned to a sea of mud when it rained. In addition, the creek adjacent to the area were experiencing considerable erosion due to rain water run-off. The fence has been moved several times in the past years because the bank has collapsed.
The project will address the flow of water from up-hill properties with green techniques and the area will be planted with native shrubs and perennials. It will include a dry creek to slow and spread the run-off, a dry well to capture the water and let it soak in and large beds of native plants including button bush, Joe pye, sneezeweed, switch grass and cinnamon ferns.
The project uses all green techniques (environmental site design) to manage the stormwater run-off.
There are three major components:
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Dry Creek ending in a planted bed: The rocky dry creek will slow the rain water run-off down and spread it out. Water making its way to the bottom will be captured by a bed of native plants.
Dry Well to collect rain water. A french drain running under the dry creek will direct water to the dry well.
Berm running parallel to the creek will direct the run-off into the woods.
The grant is funded by the Montgomery County Water Quality Protection Fund and administered by the Chesapeake Bay Trust.