Summer time is sowbug time in the Little Falls Branch! These freshwater crustaceans (Asellus aqaticus) live under the rocks and eat little bits of debris floating in the water. As is common in the summer, almost 20% of macroinvetebrates found in our summer stream monitoring session were sowbugs. Other stars of the July 9 survey were planaria and minnow mayflies.
stream rated fair
By censusing the macroinvertebrates in the Little Falls Branch, we are able to get a picture of the biological health of the creek. Unfortunately, we are only seeing organisms that can tolerate a lot of pollution and the health of the creek remains in the very low end of fair with a BIBI score of 2.1(fair - 2.0-3.2).
See complete results HERE.
stormwater run-off is major source of pollution
The major challenge to our stream is silting caused by stormwater run-off entering the creek every time it rains. All the water that flows off driveways, parking lots, roofs, eventually makes it way into the storm drain system which goes directly to the creek. (Look for outlet pipes along the banks.) This run-off is like a little tsunami; the volume and velocity blowing out the creek banks, causing erosion and habitat destruction. The dirt from the erosion buries the rocks that the benthic macro-organisms call home. When rocks are more than 50% buried, the organisms cannot find a place to live. Preventing storm water run-off by directing rain water into the ground by replacing impervious driveway surfaces with permeable pavers, by putting in a rain gardens, or by just making sure your downspouts aren’t going directly to the street are a few things that residents can do to help protect the fragile habitat of the creek.
thank you to our stream monitoring team
Our stream monitoring is done quarterly by a team of trained citizen scientists lead by Frank Sanford. The project is in done in partnership with Nature Forward (nee Audubon Naturalist Society). Woody Stanley crunches the numbers for us. Thank you to everyone for your stewardship. Learn how you can join our team HERE.