Native Habitat Restoration
The Green Acres Habitat Restoration project is located along the Little Falls Branch between Yorktown and Wakefield Roads in Bethesda.
Norwood Park has a new meadow, just south of the soccer field, down the hill to the Bethesda Pool. Hundreds of volunteer hours were spent cleaning the 1/4 acre site of bush honeysuckle, multi-flora rose, porcelainberry vines and other non-native invasives.
Westbrook ES Meadow
The Westbrook Forest and Stream Conservation Project is a long-term, multi-phase project intended to remove non-native and non-native invasive plants in the forest and along the stream on school property, plant and maintain native forest and riparian habitat, establish and maintain paths in the restored woods to support the school’s science and ecology curriculum, and create a self-guided tour around school property for learning tree and plant identification.
capital crescent trail
The Capital Crescent Trail restoration project is a long term effort in partnership with the Coalition for the Capital Crescent Trail to remove the non-native invasive from the sides of the trail.
Falmouth Road Habitat Restoration
We are excited to announce that we are starting a new habitat restoration project along Massachusetts Avenue at the intersection of Falmouth Road. Non-native invasives plants on either side of the intersection will be replaced by native flowers, grasses, trees and shrubs. With native plants established, the area will come alive with bees, butterflies and other insects so necessary for pollinating and as food for song birds and other animals.