Westbrook ES Habitat Restoration Project
The Westbrook Forest and Stream Conservation Project is a long-term, multi-phase project intended to remove non-native and non-native invasive plants in the forest and along the stream on school property, plant and maintain native forest and riparian habitat, It is located at the corner of Allen Terrace and Glen Cove Pkwy in Bethesda (right down hill from the Westbrook Elementary School). The project was started by Lynnwood Andrews in 2009 and is in maintenance stage.
building the habitat, 2010
Phase One - plant in ground
Objective: The specific objective of this phase of the conservation project is to plant a native meadow in the area alongside the stream/culvert that the students, parents and community volunteers have begun to clear of invasive plants.
Methodology: As weather permits, the work of removing the invasive plants will continue. The area was covered with cardboard to kill existing weeds. In order to mitigate problems associated with re-growth of invasive plants from the existing seed bank in the cleared area, and to reduce watering demands, the area will be covered with a thick layer of donated mulch material. In late August/early September, grasses, wildflowers and tree saplings will be planted. The Fall planting was chosen to reduce plant loss due to hot dry weather. Watering capability is limited due to a lack of nearby water sources for hose irrigation. We seek the funds to purchase the grass and flower plants. Native tree saplings have been grown by the students from seed collected from trees in the area.
plant list is here
Phase One Update:
October 19, 2010: From Lynnwood Andrews (Project Visionary):
All 874 plants are in the ground as of 12:30 this afternoon! I am mightily relieved. I have a little mulching to do, and I have to finish the fence, but I will do that Friday. It shouldn't take long. I was alarmed at the dryness of the soil today as I was planting, even after all the rain. About 2 inches down the soil is completely dry. With luck, today's rain will penetrate deeper.
874 native plants (grasses, black eyed susans, cone flowers and more) have replaced grass along the waterway by Westbrook Elementary School. Thank you to everyone who came out the past two weekends to help with the planting. Thank you to the Chesapeake Bay Trust for their support. And thank you to the students at the ES who grew trees from seeds and planted them in the area as well as participated in the planting.
If you haven't had a chance to check it out, go by the corner of Allen Terrace and Glen Cove Pkwy in Bethesda (right down hill from the Westbrook Elementary School).
Building the Habitat
Phase two: Walkway, ground covers and more, 2012
A gravel walkway between the meadow and the stream was added in 2012. The area between the walkway and the stream was planted with ferns, wild ginger, may apples, and other under-story native plants. We have also planted elderberries and other native shrubs and grasses outside of the fenced area heading downstream from the meadow.
Tree Identification project

Wander the campus and discover the names of the native trees. Look for the labels on Hackberries, Catalpa, Oaks and more! The tree label project was a partnership with the Westland Aqua Eagles who helped identify the trees and design the labels.
Slideshows of building the meadow
Westbrook Streamside Restoration
Before, during and after pictures of the meadow planting near Westbrook ES completing Phase One of the restoration

Westbrook Meadow in Bloom
2011 Westbrook ES meadow in bloom.

Restoration Partners
Westbrook Elementary School 4th grade Aqua Eagles program:
The fourth grade students and their Teacher, Mrs. Sandra Geddes, participate as volunteers removing invasive plants and planting native plants.
Westbrook Elementary School and local neighborhood:
parents and siblings of the Aqua eagles, and members of the school and neighborhood also serve as volunteers to remove invasive plants and plant native plants.
Branches, ETC:
a local tree service company donated free mulch material..
John Snitzer of Snitzer Landscaping
served as a consultant on selecting appropriate native plants, providing access to wholesale plant material, and consultation on best planting practices.
American Plant a local nursery, donated soil amendment products.
Project made possible in part by a grant from the Chesapeake Bay Trust.