Westbard Sector Plan Public Meeting
Tuesday, September 23, 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Walt Whitman HS Cafeteria
7100 Whittier Blvd., Bethesda.
The Westbard Shopping Center and surrounding properties have been bought by Equity One, with the intent on redeveloping the area. However, before it can be redeveloped, the Sector Plan must be reworked. The last plan for the area was done in 1982 and does not allow for the type of development they are envisioning.
Montgomery County is in the process of developing a new plan for the area. On Tuesday, they will hold the first public meeting. Citizen input into the process is critical. Sector plans are the map for future development. What is on the plan will be the rule until the next plan is developed - usually 20 or 30 years later. So, it's important that they get the plan right!
More information is at the County website - http://montgomeryplanning.org/community/westbard/