Too much road salt creates a problem for our fresh water creeks. When the snow melts, the salt washes into the storm drain system and is carried into the creek where it raises the salinity level of the water. What a better way to get the message out then to put it on the snow plows.
Sarah Morse with the LFWA snow plow.
Little Falls Watershed Alliance was honored to be part of an Izaak Walton project to paint Montgomery County Snow Plows to educate on the problems of over salting. Eleven groups painted plows which will be used by the Montgomery County DOT when it snows. Our plow is being stored at the Bethesda Maintenance yard, so look for it in downtown Bethesda and Chevy Chase. Please let us know if you see it in use.
Thank you to Toby Kathan for his design and to plow painters Maurie Kathan, David Kathan, Greta Swanson, Frank Linton, Sarah Morse, Pauline Smith, and Paul Valcke for their hard work on the project.