Parkway Clean-up Report

Here is a report from Donal about the Parkway Pick-up Saturday:

After 2 hours, I left two bags and a large cone (of the type used by AT&T to mark their trucks stopped on the street) at the northwest corner of Massachusetts Avenue and Little Falls Parkway right next to the intersection traffic signals. It includes miscellaneous trash, lots of plastic bottles!

I also went to the west side of the waterway and quickly filled a complete bag at one place that was easier to get to and clamber down from the bank. But there is still lots more on that side that might be more easily accessed by crossing the stream in wading boots at low water.

Thank you to everyone who came out to help. If you missed this month, our next pick-up is scheduled for December 11, 10:00. Meet at the gravel parking lot at the corner of Mass Ave and Little Falls Parkway. We have safety vests, gloves and bags.