Thank You Trash Stewards

With the County restrictions for group activities ending, we will be starting our groups trash pick-ups again. Starting on June 12, we will go back to our once-a-month Saturday morning workdays, meeting at 10:00 at the corner of Little Falls Parkway and Mass Avenue.  As in the past, we will have boots to lend as well as gloves, bags and grabbers. 

We want to thank everyone for their efforts over the past 12 months.  We didn’t know what we would do when the restrictions of the pandemic made it so that we could not host our monthly community trash pick-ups.  But our volunteers showed us what could be done one person at a time.  In the past 52 weeks of individual trash pick-up, at least 291 volunteers reported collecting 489 bags of trash and 39 of recycling.  Many of them came multiply weeks adding up to over 1,175 volunteer hours on behalf of a clean watershed. Students made up a majority of our workforce. We gave out over 830 Student Service Learning hours to Montgomery, PG County and DC student. The most volunteers hours award goes to two brothers who earned 50 SSL hours each for working for clean environment.  It was awe-inspiring to see the photos and receive everyone’s reports each week. 

If you want to continue your trash pick-ups while you walk the parkway, Montgomery County is encouraging plogging – the practice of picking up trash while you walk.  They even have a monthly drawing for ploggers who report their service.  Information is at

Again, thank you to everyone for your stewardship over the past year.  It has truly been an amazing experience.  We hope to see everyone at the monthly clean-ups.  Please check our website to register and for more details.

Just a sampling of pictures submitted by the volunteers to our Trash committee email.