Last week, I led a weed removal work day for folks from the Marriott Corporation. We worked off of Little Falls Parkway and got a lot done. (See our
for pictures). I was working with Frank Sanford, another weed warrior supervisor, and we came across a plant neither of us knew - pretty holly like plant with really flat compound leaves. Yesterday, with the help of another weed warrior, I IDed it. It's Leatherleaf Mahonia and wouldn't you know it - there's an invasive alert out for it from the National Park Service. It's been identified as a potential threat in Montgomery County and other parts of Maryland.
This just points to why we need to keep focusing on natives. We never know when a perfectly good landscaping plant will go rogue. This was the case for non-native bush honeysuckle. It was a great landscaping plant for some 80 years until the climate changed, or something changed and it escaped into the forest where it has taken over.
Hopefully we can nip a full scale invasion of Leatherleaf Mahonia in the bud (so to speak). So much work to do!