Citizen Scientists in Action
There have been two bird count events in the past months - the Great Backyard Bird Count, Feb 12-15, 2016 and the Christmas Bird Count, December 14, 2015 - Jan 5, 2016. We have some reports from both counts and there are lots of birds in the watershed.
The 2015 Christmas Count team identified 27 species of birds in various parks in the watershed. The most of a single species was American Robins at 44, followed closely by Crows at 40. I was really happy to learn about the Crows as it wasn't that long ago that they were threatened by West Nile disease. Also spotted were a Fish Crow, a Pileated Woodpecker, a Red-tailed Hawk and a Ruby-crowned Kinglet and two turkey vultures as well as more common sparrows, cardinals, morning doves and finches and others! The complete list is at the end of this page.
What's with the Robins:
Harbingers of Spring or Year-Round Residents?
Our bird counts revealed a significant robin presence despite it being winter. Don't robins migrate?
From Journey North, we learn that not all robins are the same: some move south in the winter. However, some stick around — and move around — in northern locations. Robins need more food when it's cold and as the temperatures drop, more and more of the berries they depend on get eaten. So, the robins move here and there in response to diminishing food supplies and harsh weather. Most hang out where fruit is abundant (like in southern areas), but some take the risk of staying farther north where smaller amounts of fruit remain. Why so many in one place? Robins like to travel in flocks.
For more information on robin habits and a chance to do some citizen science, visit the Annenberg Learner website.
American Robin - photo by Jerry Friedman
Ruby Crowned Kinglet - photo from Wikimedia Commons
Male Cardinal - photo from Wikimedia Commons
Backyard Counters sent in two reports:
From Mikel and her son - a copy of their submission
M**** Backyard feeder, Montgomery Co, Maryland, US
Feb 13, 2016 10:45 AM - 12:45 PM
Protocol: Stationary
14 species (+1 other taxa)
2 Mourning Dove
1 Red-bellied Woodpecker
2 Downy Woodpecker male & female pair
3 Blue Jay
1 Carolina Chickadee
2 Carolina Wren
14 American Robin - Flock swooped down in backyard for 10 minutes, then moved on.
10 European Starling
10 Dark-eyed Junco
1 White-throated Sparrow - yellow patches by eyes noted; heard song earlier in the week
2 Song Sparrow - striped breast & central spot noted
5 Northern Cardinal
1 House Finch - brick-red head noted, striped breast
18 House Sparrow
1 passerine sp. - Purple finch: clean breast and raspberry coloring noted
And from Ann:
You can add to this list my front- and side-yard bird count:
A male and female flicker;
male and female cardinals;
a male and female downy woodpecker;
a bluejay (sex unknown);
and a mob of at least 40 robins (I photographed them all) roosting together in a line atop the wooden framework of a new McMansion going up next to my house).
All of the birds disappeared immediately when a large black and white hawk came and perched where the robins had been, and sat there waiting for the other birds to reappear. Per my birdbook, it looked like a juvenile RedTail Hawk. Have seen several hawks lately, just sitting near the birdfeeders in my front yard, watching for smaller birds or maybe squirrels. Snow on the ground must be making it hard for them to hunt elsewhere.
If you would like to participate in these counts next year, visit their websites for more information.
We're always interested in bird sightings, so please keep the reports coming!
Happy Birding,
Christmas Bird Count List 2015
Parks- Sangamore, Glen Echo Heights, Wood Acres, Westland Middle School/Little Falls Library grounds, Capello, Vinton, Willard Av., Westbrook Elementary School grounds, and trails between Capello, Vinton, and Willard Av. Parks |