Native Tree List
Norwood Park is home to many species of native trees. Follow the map to find them and learn to ID the tree species.
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This collection of trees exists in a 1 miles square area in Little Falls Stream Valley Park and Norwood Park and along the Willett Branch Stream in Montgomery County, MD
Acer griseum | Paperbark Maple |
Acer negundo | Boxelder Maple |
Acer platanoides | Norway Maple |
Acer rubrum | Red Maple |
Acer saccharinum | Silver Maple |
Acer saccharum | Sugar Maple |
Aesculus glabra | Ohio Buckeye |
Aesculus hippocastanum | Horse Chestnut |
Benthamidia florida (formerly Cornus florida) | Flowering Dogwood |
Betula nigra | Riverbirch |
Carpinus caroliniana | American Hornbeam |
Carya ovata | Shagbark Hickory |
Celtis occidentalis | Northern Hackberry |
Cercis canadensis | Eastern Redbud |
Cornus kousa | Dogwood Kousa |
Cornus mas | Cornelian Cherry Dogwood |
Crataegus viridis | Green Hawthorn |
Fagus sylvatica | American Beech |
Fraxinus americana | White Ash |
Ginkgo biloba | Ginkgo |
Gleditsia triacanthos | Honey Locust |
Gymnocladus dioicus | Kentucky Coffeetree |
Halesia carolina | Carolina Snowbell |
Ilex opaca | American Holly |
Juglans nigra | Black Walnut |
Juniperus virginiana | Eastern Red Cedar |
Liquidambar styraciflua | American Sweetgum |
Liriodendron tulipifera | Tulip Poplar |
Morus rubra | Mulberry Red |
Nyssa sylvatica | Blackgum (Tupelo) |
Phellodendron amurense | Amur Cork Tree |
Pinus strobus | Eastern White Pine |
Platanus occidentalis | American Sycamore |
Platanus x acerifolia | London Plane Tree |
Quercus acutissima | Sawtooth Oak |
Quercus alba | Wye Oak |
Quercus bicolor | White Swamp Oak |
Quercus coccinea | Scarlet Oak |
Quercus nuttallii | Nuttall Oak |
Quercus imbricaria | Shingle Oak |
Quercus palustris | Pin Oak |
Quercus phellos | Willow Oak |
Quercus rubra | Northern Red Oak |
Salix babylonica | Weeping Willow |
Styrax japonicus | Japanese Snowbell |
Syringa reticulata | Japanese Lilac |
Taxodium distichum | Bald Cypress |
Tilia americana | American Linden |
Ulmus americana | American Elm |
Ulmus americana | American Elm |
The STUMP | |
Ulmus pumila | Siberian Elm |
Zelkova sinica | Zelkova |