Winter Stream Monitoring
Discover what Microorganism Live in the Little Falls Branch
LFWA monitors the Little Falls Branch four times a year - doing a biological census of the macroinvertebrates that live on the bottom of the creek. This count of organisms - numbers of individuals and diversity - gives us a picture of the health of our creek. By mapping the data over the years, we have good assessment of how well our stream is surviving in our dense urban area. Many on our stream monitoring team have received training from the Audubon Naturalist Society, but it is not a requirement for joining the activity.
Please contact Sarah Morse,, if you are interested in coming and she can give you details. Children under 14 must be accompanied by a supervised supervising adult. Pre-approved for MCPS SSL hours.
If you are interested in taking the ANS training, we have scholarships available. Please contact Sarah Morse,, for information about the ANS courses and scholarships.