Sponsor a Fecal Bacteria Test Site

2022 05 Joe Barnes (6).JPG
2022 05 Joe Barnes (6).JPG

Sponsor a Fecal Bacteria Test Site


Every summer, we do weekly testing for fecal bacteria in our local creeks. While the program is run by citizen scientists, we still have expenses - lab fees, supplies and a program coordinator. Seven sites for 16 weeks adds up - in fact, each site costs us $50 a week.

We invite you to sponsor a site, a week or a site for the season with a contribution of:

$50 - one site, one week

$350 - one week of testing - seven sites

$800 - one site, 16 weeks of testing


Prefer to Pay by Check?

Make check payable to Little Falls Watershed Alliance

Mail to us at

LFWA c/o
Sarah Morse, Executive Director
4920 Dorset Avenue
Chevy Chase, MD 20815